MEL Scripts

Here’s a link to my old MEL web site:

Naughty’s MEL Scripts – 404

Eventually I’ll be updating all these old scripts and putting them on here, but until then you can access the older version here.

Someone’s pointed out that this old site is now defunct and returns a 404 error (thanks Daniel Lee!). so, until I get my arse in gear and make a new page here, you should be able to grab the scripts from this web directory:

Naughty’s MEL Scripts

6 Responses to “MEL Scripts”

  1. Daniel Lee Says:

    I have heard of the nathanqulate script that you made and the link provided here bringing me to a 404 Error

  2. Naughty Says:

    Oh Crap. Sorry Daniel, it looks as though my old site has been removed due to my account expiring. Now I’ll really have to make an effort to put my old stuff on this new site. for now, you can temporarily access the old .mel files here:

  3. Rasmus Says:


    Since the old script-site is down, where would one go about finding descriptions for these scripts?


  4. Naughty Says:

    a very good question Rasmus. The name may be a bit of a clue and the header in each MEL file should give you details on use, but obviously you need a way to see all that at a glance rather than having to download and open loads of files… The idea was that I’d put them all up here, with full descriptions, but I never got around to it. sorry. I’ll see if I can get on to that this week.
    Until then this page may be some help:

    although you will still have to download them from the original link…

  5. Kostas Says:

    Hey Nathan,

    I stumbled on your site when browsing the polycount forums. Apparently you wrote some sweet Smart Move’N’Sew script which I am trying to get my hands on. Any chance you could share this? Can’t find it on the mirror site you link to in these comments.

    Thanks a bunch.

    Here’s the thread mentioning your script.

  6. Naughty Says:

    Yo Kostas, thanks for taking a look here… I’ve told Jocose (the OP from polycount) and he’s updated the thread with a new link! so you should be able to get it from there now. best regards.

    I really have to get sorted on uploading all this stuff here too… there’s just too much L4D to play… 😀

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