Naughty Nathan Junk from the mind of a Tech Artist…

August 26, 2010

Life Drawing – August 25th – Liz

A couple of worthy pics for this week, a new model called Liz (new for our class anyway!).

Filed under: Artwork — Naughty @ 1:45 pm

Life Drawing – August 18th – Adele

Here’s a couple of basic pencil sketches from last weeks class that I didn’t get around to capturing until now. I didn’t bother doing a full colour this time.

Filed under: Artwork — Naughty @ 1:41 pm

Life Drawing – August 4th – Alex/Jo

Two older pieces that I forgot to convert until now.
The guy is Alex, and the girl is Jo, who I’ve drawn before.

Filed under: Artwork — Naughty @ 1:38 pm

August 13, 2010

Life Drawing – August 11th – Heather

Here’s a few pictures from last Wednesdays class. The model was Heather, a total noob (in the nicest sense of the word) as she’d never posed before, and certainly never naked! She did very well for her first time! 😉

Filed under: Just Stuff — Naughty @ 5:37 pm

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