Naughty Nathan Junk from the mind of a Tech Artist…

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June 1, 2011

NDS Painting – Sleeping

Here’s my entry for the Colors! 102nd Weekly Challenge – ‘Sleeping’. You had to draw someone sleeping in a weird position or with a funny facial expression.

Filed under: Artwork,Colors! DS — Naughty @ 11:02 am

May 5, 2011

NDS Painting – Mount Olympus

Been a bit quiet recently, but here’s my entry for the Colors! 99th Weekly Challenge – ‘Mount Olympus’. It’s supposed to be Zeus showing off to impress another mortal Earth girl! πŸ˜‰
Now I have to think up a theme for the 100th challenge!! :O

Filed under: Artwork,Colors! DS — Naughty @ 9:47 pm

March 28, 2011

NDS Painting – Charge!!

General Von Kloot charging into battle on his two-headed Skroggin.
This is my entry for this weeks Colors! Weekly Challenge. The theme was “Two-Headed Monster”. I toyed with doing a dark and scary thing, but I thought everyone else would go that route so I went for cartoony.

Filed under: Artwork,Colors! DS — Naughty @ 12:05 am

January 19, 2011

NDS Painting – Opposites!

This is my entry for this weeks Colors! Weekly Challenge. The theme was “Opposites”, but because I couldn’t decide what opposite to depict, I tried to depict as many as I could! πŸ˜€ I think I managed to get about 12-13 different opposites in there! See how many you can find! πŸ˜‰

Filed under: Artwork,Colors! DS — Naughty @ 10:01 pm

January 9, 2011

NDS Painting – Chun Li

This is a picture I drew of Chun Li from Street-Fighter. She’s not in her traditional SF costume, more of a beach-wear style variant! πŸ˜€
Drawn using Colors! on my Nintendo DS.

Filed under: Artwork,Colors! DS — Naughty @ 2:01 pm

December 23, 2010

Colors! homebrew development has come to an end…

Unfortunately, development and support for Colors! DS Homebrew has come to an end, presumably so Jens (the Developer) can proceed with and concentrate on legitimate DS software. However, I have taken the liberty to host the last few available versions for the forseeable future.

Check it out on the Colors! DS page.

Filed under: Colors! DS,Just Stuff — Naughty @ 3:53 pm

December 13, 2010

NDS Painting – John Lennon eyes

This weeks Colors! weekly challenge theme was “Soul Windows”. The only explanation that came with this brief was that you “had to draw two different eyes“. As this week also coincided with the 30 year anniversary of the death of John Lennon I thought I’d do a tribute to him.. kill two birds with one stone.. πŸ˜€
Doing two different eyes in this case was a cinch as I did half real John and half Cartoon John from the Yellow Submarine…

Filed under: Artwork,Colors! DS — Naughty @ 10:35 pm

November 21, 2010

NDS Painting – Gothic Snow White

I realise Snow White was already pretty damn gothic, but this paint was for another Colors! Gallery Weekly Challenge, “Gothic Disney“.

Filed under: Artwork,Colors! DS — Naughty @ 4:02 pm

November 18, 2010

More NDS Colors! Paints

I’ve been trying to practice painting on my DS during life drawing classes so I’ve not had as much decent artwork to photo and upload. However I’ve done a couple of DS paints in the last couple of sesssions that weren’t too bad, Here they are. Two are of Rosy and one is of Jack.

And the really cool thing is, if you head on over to my Colors! gallery you can watch them being painted!

Filed under: Artwork,Colors! DS — Naughty @ 9:55 pm

November 16, 2010

DS – LEGO Space

I drew this on my Nintendo DS for a Colors! Forum Weekly Challenge.

Filed under: Artwork,Colors! DS,LEGO — Naughty @ 10:25 pm
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