Naughty Nathan Junk from the mind of a Tech Artist…

July 28, 2008

LEGO Viper – Battlestar Galactica

Here’s some photos of my custom LEGO Viper from the original series (TOS) of Battlestar Galactica. It’s basically mini-fig scale although it doesn’t actually open or fit a minifig inside.

The build quality is well solid and would take a ton of knocks and hard-play without breaking or falling apart. I’ve got some LDRAW files for it and the instructions which I’ll try and post here in the near future.

OK, the LDRAW file is up and available, along with all of the building instruction steps images. Head on over to the LEGO Instructions page, or just click here

Custom Instructions - Step 32

Custom Instructions - Step 32

Filed under: LEGO — Naughty @ 11:06 pm

Big Time Charlie Potatoes Page is up…

I’ve completed a new page on my band, Big Time Charlie Potatoes, a Manchester based retro-rocky three-piece. Actually, we’ve been practically defunct for several years 😀 but we had some great songs so this page is more an archive for those so I don’t forget them. head on over and give us a listen, the quality’s not fabulous, but it’s mostly alright and there’s a ton of full tunes in there…

Big Time Charlie Potatoes

Filed under: Big Time Charlie Potatoes — Naughty @ 10:37 pm

July 27, 2008

Welcome – First post!

Hello there.

Welcome to my blog site. This is the first post of hopefully many.

What can you expect to find here? well, most certainly free music and info from and about my band Big Time Charlie Potatoes, Pictures of my LEGO models as well as building instructions and LDraw files, MEL Scripts, Tips and Tricks on using Maya, and anything else I think may be worth total strangers knowing…

If you want to know a bit about me check the Who Am I? page link here or on the right.

Thanks for viewing, I hope you find something useful here…

Filed under: Just Stuff — Naughty @ 8:38 pm

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