Naughty Nathan Junk from the mind of a Tech Artist…

May 25, 2013

Life Drawing – May 22nd – Mimi

Last session, Mimi again…

Filed under: Artwork — Naughty @ 2:40 pm

May 18, 2013

Life Drawing – May 15th – Mimi

Last session, these were more Mimi…

Filed under: Artwork — Naughty @ 8:54 pm

May 12, 2013

Life Drawing – May 8th – Mimi

More Mimi… these were all just quick 30 min sketches

Filed under: Artwork — Naughty @ 8:56 pm

May 4, 2013

Life Drawing – May 1st – Ellie

Heres a couple more sketches of Ellie from this weeks session

Filed under: Artwork — Naughty @ 6:44 pm

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