Naughty Nathan Junk from the mind of a Tech Artist…

June 11, 2009

Portrait – Lily Allen

Our life drawing classes still haven’t resumed so I’ve decided to keep practicing by trying to draw from photos while I wait. I don’t much care for Lily Allen to be honest but I have to admit she can look kinda cute.

Lily Allen - Pencil/Crayon/Felt-tip sketch

This one took about 70 minutes all told and I had the shittest set of coloured pencils I’ve ever found lying around. they were so poor they wouldn’t draw over existing pencil marks unless I scrubbed and scrubbed. The black pencil was about as dark as a normal HB pencil so I had to find a black wax crayon to scribble in the hair and a black magic marker to fill in the eyes. I’ve also had to massively adjust the levels in photoshop so you can even see the pencils! 😀 Still, I think it is recognizable as her, so I’m happy enough with the end result.

Filed under: Artwork — Naughty @ 9:49 pm

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