We had some pretty severe snow during the night and when we got up the following morning we heard that both my sons schools were closed for the day and there were no trains running from Manchester to Liverpool. So we all stayed home for the day and built a Snowman! Here he is.
January 5, 2010
November 14, 2008
Two little boys…

..had two little toys. Or so sayeth the great oracle Sir Rolf of Harris.
All these two have are guilty looks…
aw.. aren’t they cute… at least they were back then, that was a good few years ago and now they’re a right pair of little swines. That’s Jacob on the left and Matthew on the right. And yes, despite their cute looks, they are both mine… If I take a more recent photo of them one day you’ll hear about it here first!
November 13, 2008
My CD (MP3) list…
Well it’s been a while… since last posting I’ve done so very much… survived a nasty Trojan Attack, reinstalled my OS, visited Disney World Florida, read two books (two!? woot!), made a new friend, 3/4 built a Wipeout HD Feisar out of LEGO, swam with a dolphin and learned how to program in Python. All of which I’d love to share with you one day, but not right now..
For now here’s something far more exciting: A text list of my entire music collection – wooohoot!
Actually, it’s not my entire collection, there a still a couple of newer CDs I haven’t ripped yet, and about 700 individual tracks that I haven’t listed, but you get the overall picture…
July 27, 2008
Welcome – First post!
Hello there.
Welcome to my blog site. This is the first post of hopefully many.
What can you expect to find here? well, most certainly free music and info from and about my band Big Time Charlie Potatoes, Pictures of my LEGO models as well as building instructions and LDraw files, MEL Scripts, Tips and Tricks on using Maya, and anything else I think may be worth total strangers knowing…
If you want to know a bit about me check the Who Am I? page link here or on the right.
Thanks for viewing, I hope you find something useful here…