Alison – DS Portrait

This is a painting of my girlfrind/Partner Alison, drawn on a Nintendo DS using the super-awesome Colors! app.
Not only is Colors! awesome, but it’s free! and you can get it for the iPhone too, Check it out here.

2 Responses to “Alison – DS Portrait”

  1. eRiC Says:

    Nice! Did you use the new version? I’ve just seen they released a new one on 4th of october for the DS since 3 years! Didn’t try it yet.

  2. Naughty Says:

    No eRiC, I’m too scared to try the new one! 😛 I hear it still has a few teething problems, especially with the saving/loading! not something I would want to go wrong! I hear it’s loads better otherwise though!

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